Forever is Over
I'll love you forever
Forever is Over.

Aug 24, 2011 11:01 PM

I personally think that unseen poetry is a great way to introduce us to different kinds of poems and is a kind of challlenge for us since we have never seen these poems before. These poems may help develope a love for literature and also allow us to tackle different kinds of challenges. It may also help in our english and the use of words.
The Lit Performance.
Aug 18, 2011 9:32 PM

Gahh. I'm doing this post last minute. Anyways, I think that our group has been progressing well, although I have missed some of the group meetings... I'm lucky to have great people in my group - Yiting and Ashikin. They can perform really well and Ashikin is a great director. I managed to memorise my lines at the last minute. (Wow. why do I do everything last minute?) and I've know what to wear for my costumes although I haven't actually confirm with the rest of the group members.

There have been some "miscommunications' at first because I didn't know what my group was heading towards, it's okay now. I must confess I haven't really helped out with the props. Not an excuse, but I didn't know what they wanted... Like I said, my group is progressing well, but the only thing I'm worried is that I will forget my lines or just simply forget something or I just screw up. I don't want that to happen.

Last but not least, I just hope that things will go on smoothly and that nothing bad will actually happen.
Me, Myself & I

Officially 14.
Proud of it(:
Gets 1 year older every 2nd Feb
Music is definitely part of her.
Love, love, LOVES MUSIC ♥
Currently WRPS EVGian
Just another average girl who is a CrazyLover of BoysLikeGirls, Simple Plan, All Time Low, etc ♥
Voice It Out

Things I want

- To carry on with life
- Laptop
- Rebond hair
- Lollipop
- Headphones
leaving so soon?

turn back the clock

January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
August 2011
September 2011

take a bow
Designer !NESS♥