Forever is Over
I'll love you forever
Forever is Over.

Jan 30, 2011 9:23 PM

The last time we had Literature lesson, Miss Maly asked us this question: Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did? Did the fact that the event was "predicted" cause you to bahave differently that you would have otherwise and make it more like ly for the event to occur? Or did the event simply seem to occur without any assistance from you?

Well, my answer would probably go like this:

Dear diary,
Today was a really weird day. I totally just freaked out. When I was going out today, walking along the streets, there was this elderly woman who came up to me. She seems really familiar, like I have seen her before... But it was very vague, probably once in a dream... I don't know, it was creeepy. It felt like Déjà vu... She called out to someone... I thought it was someone behind me, but there wasn't anyone behind. So I just walked over to her, thinking that she coulnd't hurt me, for she is just an old woman. As weird as it felt, when I walked closer over to her, I felt this weird aura around her, as if  she wasn't just an ordinary human being, but I ignored it and just continued walking towards her. Once I was in front of her, she spoke to me in a raspy voice. She said, ' Ah girl arh... I tell you arh, on your birthday, you'll meet this guy, and he'll be the love of your life... Trust me.' I stood there speechless. What she said was interesting, very weird. I just didn't want to believe her, 'cause i don't know if it's true... Isn't it weird? An old woman out of nowhere, coming up to you and tells you about your future. You wouldn't believe her too, don't you? But the weird thing was, a few weeks later, on my birthday, miraculously, whatever the ekderly woman who I encountered said did come true! I totally couldn't believe it! I would always remember what that old woman told me.
Jan 16, 2011 6:53 PM

Hiya. This is a reflection on Cinquain, a lesson I've learnt in literature. Cinquian, in french, means 5, so it's a poem that consists of 5 lines.

1st line: <b>noun/topic</b>
2nd line:<b>2 adjectives</b>
3rd line: <b>3 gerunds</b>
4th line: <b>1 short complete sentence</b>
5th line: <b>1 synonym</b>

This poem doen't have to rhyme and it's easier to write than whatever poems we have to write last year. I've written a poem in class, and it's like this:

Crazy. Lively.
Chatting, sleeping, laughing
I am who I am

Yeah, I know it's kinda lame:D But I don't care^^
Me, Myself & I

Officially 14.
Proud of it(:
Gets 1 year older every 2nd Feb
Music is definitely part of her.
Love, love, LOVES MUSIC ♥
Currently WRPS EVGian
Just another average girl who is a CrazyLover of BoysLikeGirls, Simple Plan, All Time Low, etc ♥
Voice It Out

Things I want

- To carry on with life
- Laptop
- Rebond hair
- Lollipop
- Headphones
leaving so soon?

turn back the clock

January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
August 2011
September 2011

take a bow
Designer !NESS♥